Friday, December 11, 2015

The Magic Of Christmas…

What Is Endearing About Christmas?

What is it about Christmas that endears us so much? If you step back and look down on it like the ghosts in Scrooge gave Ebenezer an opportunity to do, what jumps out at you and warms your heart about this time of year?  It is called the “Christmas season” or the “Holiday Season”. It is the busiest time of year with three well-celebrated holidays crammed into about 35-40 days. We run around making preparations for these special occasions. We dress up in our finest clothes and we go out to church plays and musicals, to parties, to community and family events, etc. And…after the fun is all over we are exhausted and a little depressed at the same time. Why did Ebenezer lose the magic of Christmas and what is it really all about?

Why Celebrate In Such A Magnificent Way?

God knows everything even before it happens. So, I have to believe that He knew how commercialized the holiday set aside to celebrate His Son’s birth would become. Have you ever considered that Christmas is one of the most celebrated holidays around the world? Why? What makes it so incredibly special? We sing songs about it, we buy gifts for family and friends, and we have traditions that are carried on from generation to generation. Christmas is fun and nostalgic, but is that the only reason we place so much emphasis on December 25th?

Christmas: Where Do You Place Your Emphasis?

During the Christmas season, the general population seems more frazzled and yet more generous. People seem more hurried and yet more compassionate. Families seem more a part and yet more together. Everything seems to have a greater emphasis – the good and the bad. When you think of Christmas what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Do you think of it as a dread because your already busy schedule will become impossible to follow? Or do you think of it with anxious anticipation as you look forward to decorating the house with twinkling lights and seasonal décor, attending ugly Christmas sweater parties, participating in cookie swaps, shopping for loved ones, and traveling to see those that are near and dear to your heart? I must admit…honestly, I have felt both ways at different times. When I begin feeling frazzled and hurried, it is because I have put too much emphasis on the wrong activities. Instead of remembering that the real reason Christmas is celebrated, I choose to focus on commercialism. Celebrating the secular aspects of the holiday is fine, but all of the preparation and activities and the events should not take the place of remembering that Christmas is really about our Savior’s birth. He came to earth to save the world of its sin. He would still have come even if you or me or anyone on the planet had been the only one who needed salvation. That in-and-of-itself is amazing beyond comprehension.

The Magic Of Christmas 

Through life experience, I have come to realize that balance is key in most areas of life. I believe this is true in celebrating our beloved holiday that we call Christmas. I love Christmas music – secular and Christian! I enjoy buying and giving gifts to those I love. It is fun to go to parties, events, etc. and I do! I love my Christmas tree so much that I turn it on every morning as soon as I wake up. And, honestly, I almost mourn when I finally have to take it down. It adds a sparkle to my living area that nothing else can give. Christmas is a magical and exciting time of year. There is nothing more precious than seeing the wonder in a child’s eyes as he/she waits anxiously for Santa to arrive. Does that taint their ability to also know the true meaning of why Christmas is celebrated? Some may think so, but I believe that it does not! If Jesus is the center of the home and the most emphasis is placed on our Savior’s birth and a little fantasy is sprinkled into the celebration along with it, the wonder of it all creates awesome family memories and traditions that might be carried on through generations to come.

So…what makes your Christmas magically balanced? Please share ways your family celebrates the Christmas season.

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